Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Yes, I know I haven't written since the end of June. But, there is a VERY good reason for that --and I am able to share it now. We are expecting our second baby!! I took the home pregnancy test on June 30th and it was VERY, VERY, VERY -- can I say VERY enough times? -- hard not to tell everyone right away. It was also hard for me to think (or blog) about anything other than BABY, so I took a hiatus from blogging. We wanted to wait until we at least got the okay from the doctor and saw that little heart thumping away before we told...and then we were stuck trying to figure out a good way to tell our family and friends. When we were expecting Ava, we happened to be taking a trip at just the right time and asked our parents to meet us at the airport for a long layover. We, of course, planned it that way, but they didn't know that. This time, we knew that we'd have to share our news from afar and that just broke my heart. I hated the thought of calling and just saying, "Guess what? We're having another baby!" It seemed, well...anticlimactic. So, we designed a postcard with Ava in a (borrowed - thanks, Brooke!) "I'm gonna be a big sister" dress to send to everyone. We had fun answering the phone for a few days as the excited calls came in!

So, now you know why the interrupted blog. It was just LIFE getting in the way! Rest assured, I'll be back soon!

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